Gen. 1:3

Gen. 1:3
Let there be light.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Have you ever known  a diamond?  Not the rock that most women dream about, but a living, breathing diamond that you call a friend?  A person that has been put under such intense pressure that they have actually changed into something that glitters and shines.  They didn't shatter from the pressure, but grew into one of the hardest substances known to mankind - something that can cut glass and not be scathed.  Something that is not marred by anything, but still shines through it all.

I have several.  One has become very prominent lately.  The pressure?  Cancer.  For the second time cancer has struck this particular family, but instead of depression, fear, and giving up, I see my diamond shine.  It is truly something to behold.  I don't know that given the same pressure, and for the second time, that I would be able to stand up like she does.  When going through my  divoce, I used to tell people that it was a good day when my socks matched.

We all know that God won't put us through more than we can handle.  All we need to do is to lean on Him.  I have told people in the past that I must not be able to handle very much because I haven't really been through much.  I will reaffirm that now.  I don't know that I could be a diamond the way my friend is.  She shines with a light brighter than I think I ever could.  But with friends like that, I have hope that when and if my day comes, that perhaps I can draw a strength from those true blessings in my life; my diamonds; my friends, to get me through it all, unscathed and glittering like both the sun... and the Son.

To my diamonds.  Faith, friendship, and a little chocolate is what makes the world go around.  I love you guys.


Until next time, enjoy!

Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

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