Gen. 1:3

Gen. 1:3
Let there be light.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Can Jealousy Kill a Friendship?


This has been a tough week for me.  I have a good friend who is a lot of fun.  She is someone with whom I have laughed at many an off-color joke, and shared meals with.  We have gone to church together, been to each other's homes, and even work together.  This week she did something that stunned me.  She made a personal comment, not only to a coworker, but also to other people that I know outside our job.  This personal comment was so hurtful and so degrading to me that it threw me back and stunned me.  That is not easy to do.  I like to think that I can roll with the punches, and at this stage in my life, not too much actually surprises me.  But this sure did.  In the wake I was left wondering why.

It took another insightful person, more-or-less outside the situation, to point out that it was jealousy that was the driving force.  Once I heard that, it all made sense.  So, once again, I went back to my handy-dandy Bible to look it up.  There are a large number of references about jealousy in there.  And, a number of them refer to God himself.  "I am a jealous God... you will have no other Gods before me...I am jealous for Jerusalem and Zion... jealousy burns like a fire."  Something else that I noticed too, is that jealousy and anger seem to go hand in hand.  I gotta tell ya, they sure do in my case.  The anger that I have felt this week is beyond anything that I have felt in a long while.  It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling.  One that I do not like at all.

But I also noticed that with jealousy and anger, also comes repentance and redemption.  I think that it would take a force and a being much greater than myself to get us past where we are right now.  I just happen to have that force in my life, and I lean on Him every day.  His name is God.  Tomorrow marks a very special week for our friendship, His and mine.  Let's see where He takes me this week, and beyond.  I still have lessons to learn, and things to experience in life.  I'd like to thank Him for walking with me all of my life.  I don't know what it feels like to live without You, and I don't even want to try.  Thanks for being the friend that has never hurt me.



Until next time, enjoy!
Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows." 

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Just a quick moment to wish all my subscribers a Happy Valentine's Day, or as my daughter puts it, Happy Single Awareness Day. No matter where you are in life, or which path you have chosen, I wish you a great day filled with joy and happiness.



Until next time, enjoy!
Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reflections or Projections?

When you look in the mirror, who do you see?  Do you see who you really are, or who you want to be?  Or who someone else wants you to be?  Are we really honest with ourselves, and with others?

"The Fixers" of the world want to see people who are broken inside, so they can fix them.  "I just want to help" is a common defense.  But who are they helping?  Others, or themselves? 

Victims blame everyone.  "If ____ hadn't happened, I would be a totally different person.  I could be happy."  They don't see who they are, or who they can become, only what has happened to them.  They are stuck in the past, and therefore destined to repeat it.  They re-live the same nightmares over and over again, as if once wasn't enough.  What happened to them becomes who they are, and they try to drag you into their misery so they can have some company.

Apathy is dangerous.  People just don't care.  The question is why?  Does life really not matter to them?  Or have they beaten their heads against the wall so many times, only to haved no one else truly hear them?

I think listening is the key.  People don't do this well anymore.  We are all so busy, rushing from one place to another.  "How are you?" we ask, running by without waiting for the answer.  Can you remember the answer the last time you asked someone how they were?  I can't.

I know that life is extremely frustrating to me when my Fixers don't listen to me.  I tell them that I am fine, and they tell me that I am not.  I tell them that I am happy, and they say that I can't possibly be.  The Victims in my life want to drag me down with them, but I won't let them.  What I want to tell them all, is to look at me... Really look at me.  See me for who and what I am, not what you want to see, or what you are projecting on to me.  Look at ME!  Listen to ME!  I am me, not a projection of anybody else on earth.  I strive to reflect Christ in my life, while still being the unique and inidividual me that God made.  This is not easy sometimes.  There are days when I just want to pull my hair out, but I persevere.  God never promised happiness, just salvation.  That is the most important promise I have ever been made, and I cling to it.

For you, I wish a world full of life, love, and overwhelming happiness.  I wish that you are surrounded by people who love and listen to you, and let be who and what you are inside, not what they want to make you.  Spread your wings.  Learn to fly.  Soar to heights never before known to man, and show the world just who and what you are... not what they want you to be.



Until next time, enjoy!
Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Box or Yours?

Ever try to shove a square peg in a round hole? It never works. You can’t force it, nor should you try. We learn this great life lesson somewhere around the age of 1 or 2, and then lose it somewhere around puberty.

It’s not the little plastic toys that we manage to screw up, but each other’s lives instead. Have you ever been in a position when you did not live up to someone else’s expectations? Had someone try to make you, change you, or downright force you into something that you don’t want to do, or be? Someone who tries to change you into the person they want you to be, and not who you want? My question is: What makes their expectation the right one? I have several of these people in my life. And when I try to talk to them about it, they all seem to revert to one answer. They are trying to help me. Help me do what? I have yet to figure this out. Most often what I have found is that the people who are trying to help me the most, are the ones who actually know me the least. These are not people who have my best interests at heart, though they may be absolutely convinced that they do.

God created us to be who and what we are. We are each one unique to our own shape and purpose. We all have a reason for being here. It is God’s reason, not our own.

If you try to live up to the expectations, wills, and demands of those around you, then you will never be able to live up to it all. There are far too many people out there. And in the process, you will fall short of what God’s plan is for your life. So, when someone tells you to ‘learn to think outside the box’, ask them whose box that is? Your box was custom made by God, just for you. You cannot fit into theirs, nor they into yours. I think I’m going to start telling them to ‘learn to start thinking inside of their own.”


Until next time, enjoy!

Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watercress, a cure for cancer?

There is a new study out recently from England, done at the University of Southhampton suggesting that Watercrress may be beneficial in the fight against cancer.  The study states:

"The research, unveiled at a press conference Sept. 14, 2010, shows that the watercress compound is able to interfere with the function of a protein which plays a critical role in cancer development.
As tumours develop they rapidly outgrow their existing blood supply so they send out signals which make surrounding normal tissues grow new blood vessels into the tumour which feed them oxygen and nutrients.

The research, led by Professor Graham Packham of the University of Southampton, shows that the plant compound (called phenylethyl isothiocyanate) found in watercress can block this process, by interfering with and 'turning off' in the function of a protein called Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF)."

The complete story can be found at :

We all know that watercress is a green, leafy vegetable that is good for us nutritionally.  From

Watercress nutrition value:
Watercress contains fifteen essential vitamins and minerals. Watercress contains significant amounts of iron, calcium, folic acid and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B17, C, D, E and K. Watercress can act as a mild stimulant and promotes appetite. It is a source of phytochemicals and antioxidants. Watercress is a diuretic, an expectorant and digestive aid. Other therapeutic uses of watercress include relief from coughs, head colds, bronchial ailments, asthma, stress, pain, arthritis, stiff back and joints, diabetes, anemia, constipation and emphysema.
Watercress is one of the best sources of element iodine which is important for the function of the thyroid gland. The leaves of watercress is used as a poultice and applied for relief from enlarged prostrate gland. Sulphur contained in watercress plays an important part in protein absorption, blood purifying, cell building and in healthy hair and skin.
Watercress is known for its antiscorbutic qualities. The leaves bruised or the juice from watercress can free the face of blotches, spots and blemishes when applied as a lotion. A daily portion of watercress in cancer patients has the ability to reduce DNA to a significant level and to increase those cells to resist further DNA damage caused by free radicals. Watercress also has the ability to reduce in blood triglyceride levels by an average of 10%.
Significant increase in blood levels of lutein and beta carotene which have antioxidant activity by 100% and 33% respectively can be seen by regular intake of watercress. These are associated with a lower incidence of eye diseases such as cataract and age related macular degeneration.

So, it if turns out that watercress can help in fighting cancer, I say slap some honey mustard dressing on it and eat away.  What could it hurt?  Perhaps there is more wisdom in the universe than we realize after all.

To your health!


Until next time, enjoy!
Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Have you ever known  a diamond?  Not the rock that most women dream about, but a living, breathing diamond that you call a friend?  A person that has been put under such intense pressure that they have actually changed into something that glitters and shines.  They didn't shatter from the pressure, but grew into one of the hardest substances known to mankind - something that can cut glass and not be scathed.  Something that is not marred by anything, but still shines through it all.

I have several.  One has become very prominent lately.  The pressure?  Cancer.  For the second time cancer has struck this particular family, but instead of depression, fear, and giving up, I see my diamond shine.  It is truly something to behold.  I don't know that given the same pressure, and for the second time, that I would be able to stand up like she does.  When going through my  divoce, I used to tell people that it was a good day when my socks matched.

We all know that God won't put us through more than we can handle.  All we need to do is to lean on Him.  I have told people in the past that I must not be able to handle very much because I haven't really been through much.  I will reaffirm that now.  I don't know that I could be a diamond the way my friend is.  She shines with a light brighter than I think I ever could.  But with friends like that, I have hope that when and if my day comes, that perhaps I can draw a strength from those true blessings in my life; my diamonds; my friends, to get me through it all, unscathed and glittering like both the sun... and the Son.

To my diamonds.  Faith, friendship, and a little chocolate is what makes the world go around.  I love you guys.


Until next time, enjoy!

Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Top Chef Tostadas

Top Chef

Tonight is my favorite show, Top Chef.  Ever since the first show came on 7 years ago I have been absolutely addicted.  Tonight's recipe is completely plagarized from that show, thanks to Marcel and Ellia.

There isn't anything really magical or difficult.  It is a simple tostada.  You can put whatever you like on the top, beef, chicken, vegetarian, beans, rice, cheese, etc.  What makes this one special is that it is on a sliced apple instead of a tortilla.  Now before you start turning your nose up and thinking that the apple is "forbidden fruit", think about it.  The apple is light, slightly sweet, and refreshing.  It would make a good backdrop against the spiciness of the toppings.  It is also low carb, for those of us who count that stuff.  It sounds delicious.

So, my homework will be to try this recipe and let you all know how it comes out.  I have really tried to let go of the old things, the law, if you will, and embrace a new freedom where food is concerned.  There is no forbidden fruit since I have been set free, made whole, etc.  You get the idea.  God loves me, so apples on my tostadas are a good thing.

Until next time, enjoy!

Psalm 23:6 " cup overflows."

Coming Christmas 2010
Ho, Ho, Hey! What Just Happened?
Holiday enlightenment from an overworked Santa and his testy crew!

You can find me on my web site, Facebook, MySpace, Classmates, Shoutlife, Yahoo, or Twitter.

Bionote: Lori is the author of three business books, numerous church skits, and several articles. She lives in Sacramento with her two children, two dogs, and cat. She loves to hear from her readers, so please email your thoughts and questions.